When you develop a budget, you will find out how much income you have coming in and how much expenditure you have leaving. They key is to live within your means.
Keep a budget simple, so you can think easy. If you can tally up your total and see your expenses for the month are $5K and your income is 4K. It is time to cut back and cut cost.
To be successful you need to imagine you are a multi million dollar corporation. If a corporation is spending more than their revenues they cut cost.
A couple of things you can cut from your budget
A) Gym memberships (You probably got hyped up in the beginning of the year and signed up). If you dont go, shake this membership off. If you do go, you may want to consider an alternative like jogging in a public park. Pushups at home. Buy a pull up bar you can install at home.
B)For all you starbucks coffee lovers......Coffee? Who needs coffee in the morning, saving $5 a day equals $150 a month. Which equates to $1825 a year
C) Carpool if you are comuting to work.
D) Shop around for a better quote for your car insurance.
E) Buy energy efficient lightbulbs.
F) Stop eating out, try and cook at home.
G) Downgrade cell phone plans.
H) Coupons! Find deals on the internet. Do your research and you will save money
All of the above should help save money short/long term. It takes a strong will/ motivation to change. Stay positive and motivated. Things will get better!
Keep a budget simple, so you can think easy. If you can tally up your total and see your expenses for the month are $5K and your income is 4K. It is time to cut back and cut cost.
To be successful you need to imagine you are a multi million dollar corporation. If a corporation is spending more than their revenues they cut cost.
A couple of things you can cut from your budget
A) Gym memberships (You probably got hyped up in the beginning of the year and signed up). If you dont go, shake this membership off. If you do go, you may want to consider an alternative like jogging in a public park. Pushups at home. Buy a pull up bar you can install at home.
B)For all you starbucks coffee lovers......Coffee? Who needs coffee in the morning, saving $5 a day equals $150 a month. Which equates to $1825 a year
C) Carpool if you are comuting to work.
D) Shop around for a better quote for your car insurance.
E) Buy energy efficient lightbulbs.
F) Stop eating out, try and cook at home.
G) Downgrade cell phone plans.
H) Coupons! Find deals on the internet. Do your research and you will save money
All of the above should help save money short/long term. It takes a strong will/ motivation to change. Stay positive and motivated. Things will get better!
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